How to approach crucial conversations like a boss

Conversations can bring many outcomes. Some positive and some challenging. Anyways, through out it all, it is giving insight to ourselves.

As we embark on a new way of life, messages and emotions are flooded through reactive momentum. Much less, lots of things are being said and actions are occurring. What does this mean? How are we going to take this information and start progressing into the right direction?

Searching #findingtheanswers

Crucial Conversation Course

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place-George Bernard Shaw

About 2 years ago, I went to a crucial conversation workshop. As much as I was able to communicate, I learned different skill sets to enhance my communication skills with others.

In fact, you can never know too much. Always a student of learning. After taking that course, my ways about speaking to another people changed. More awareness and less judgmental. It definitely opened my eyes.

Based on the book “Cruical Conversation” it is defined as “A discussion between two or more people where (1) stacks are high, (2) opinions vary, and (3) emotions run strong (pg.3). There is so many layers to communicating and would love to share some of them for you.

paper, romance, symbol
Opening the book #newbeginnings

How We Handle Crucial Conversations

There is one thing I know is that we all have conversations. We cannot avoid them as hard as we try. It could be in the workplace, relationship, you name it. It happens. The main points are in handling conversations is 1) we avoid them, 2) face them and handle them poorly and 3) face them and handle them well.

In all honesty, we do not think about how we are in a conversation. Based on our viewpoint, it can be hard to see ourselves as “bias” to our opinion.

To get to the point of these discussions, we must tell our stories truthfully in the process. Once we speak within our hearts, walls can be broken and we can develop a clear understanding of self.

butterfly, white, sand
Blossoming #bringlight

Crucial Stories

The first step to having purposeful conversations is to speak with your heart. The focus is with the feelings. Starting with “I feel….” or “I felt…” Focusing on what you really want to express brings life and honesty to the table.

Furthermore, understand what is the problem you are focusing on. This is vital to making progress and movement towards changes. Being clear and specific will let go of vague and ambiguity. Separating facts from stories will help this.

This phase in the conversation will bring light to vulnerability. Asking this key question while listening to the story “what should I do right now to move towards what I really want?”

The objective within this is to understand, not to reply. Through this, it will lead us through a path of investigation. What lies through the messages given and what is it that I need to know?

book, petals, rose
Stories from the heart #honesty

Crucial Path

When we proceed to this point, start with what you hear and see. Providing 1-2 facts that we stated in the conversation can bring more understanding and clearly to the discussion. SPEAK. If not now, when? An example for this could be, “I noticed…” or “the last three times we spoke about this…” than express “it lead me to conclude that…” or “I believe that…”.

Try giving feedback before sharing your story, this will lead to a path of action. Also, avoid fallacies, being too forceful or undermining. This will lead to a breakdown in the discussion and can divert to an argument.

In spite of this process, it can bring more openness and acceptance towards one another. This can be a start to growing and evolving within the experience.

In conclusion , we must paint the picture for what the other is thinking to come to an understanding of their viewpoint.

lane, tree, tree lined lane
Walk your path #courage

Crucial Actions

Crucial conversations takes practice. It is not a walk in the park but it is something. Expressing true feelings and breaking the ice is part of greatness.

Strengthen your skills are essential to growth. You got to go out there and take action. Suppressing your voice is not the answer.

This quote gives love and strength to the table:

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

— Maya Angelou

Greatness lies within us. So, let us be free and express unapologetically!!!!!

game changer, plan of action, tipping point
Let’s Go

4 Powerful Steps To Get Yourself Out Of Depression

heron, egret, landscape

With powerful conviction, think of yourself sitting alone. Looking around wondering if you are where you want to be. Many can relate to this. It may not feel very good. It is important to be present in that moment and feel this intense pain. This will be the start to your revelation.

Powerful Revelations

About 3 years ago, this is what happened to me. I had this overwhelming feeling of being stuck and lost with the direction in my life. The one thing I knew for sure is that things had to change. Crying, feeling uncomfortable with sadness upon me. It had to come to this.

It was like a dark cloud over my head with no way of coming out. This is where I began to bring light into these feelings (which I will explain later). We are powerful beyond comprehension. There is a past, present and future that we live within our minds. Which one would you like to live in?

As a result, this mindset will be the beginning to your journey and specific indicators will be revealed.

Thinking #Changes

Powerful Indicators

What is preventing your healing?

That is a million dollar question. We all have something inside that we know is not good for us. We want to change but feel it is impossible. As we start revealing our deep, intense feelings, these indicators may lead to understanding and enlightenment.

  • Avoiding Change: We are all going through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes right now. In addition, we are re-evaluating our importance in this life for the first time in history. My advice with this moment is to flow with the changes. If your are avoiding this, write your negative thoughts or pattern in a journal or a piece of paper. Pay attention and write a positive response to it. After all, change is constant so let move flawlessly.

  • Old Beliefs in Yourself: Self-doubt and insecurities are huge factors within changes. The words and thoughts in our minds, result in believing who we are. As much as we think this way, old beliefs in ourselves recur. Shaping a new version of ourselves require deep understand that we must shed away. Identify your belief system and question “why” you feel this way.

  • Fear of Finding Yourself: This sounds crazy but it true. There is always that nudge that feels like it does not belong. In spite of our best efforts, we fall back to old habits. The only person who knows is “you.” In reality, we don’t express ourselves fully to everyone. Be honest with yourself to find strength into knowing that proceeding forward with your true self is worth it.

  • Denying your power: When we have this feeling of joy within us, it cannot be denied. Instead, we conform into social norm that does not fit us. Why is that? You hold the key to this power.
Discovery #Begentletoyourself

Powerful Tips to Transform Yourself through Depression

When I went through my revelation, these tips altered my perspective and insight towards depression:

1. Be in the Moment: I was the type of person who was always thinking about the future. Despite this mindset, slowing down was a great realization. Making a list and completing one task within the day can bring joy and accomplishments for yourself. Nevertheless, stay on course and be present.

2. Write Out Anything that comes to Mind: Writing was not an art that I was interested in, especially during my dark days. People would tell me writing is therapeutic but did not listen. In order to transfer ideas, thoughts from my head, it had to come onto paper. Once I wrote, it was like a weight coming off my shoulder. I encourage everyone who are lost, stuck, or having negative feelings, take a paper. WRITE!!!!

3. Be Cautious of Your Thoughts: In regards to your thoughts, it is important to be self-aware to them. The things we say to ourselves have huge effect on our well-being. If you catch yourself saying something negative to yourself, replace it with a positive one. Subconsciously, you are planting a seed in your mind that will be watered and grow!!!!!

4. Speak to Someone you Trust or Get Help: If you feel as if you have tried everything and it still does not work, please speak to someone. Support is so important. Your feelings are real and should be taken seriously. A trusted friend or person will help guide or navigate conversations, action plans and most of all, a helping hand. Also, professional help such as a Psychologist or support groups that experienced depression may be an option. We all need help sometimes and that is alright.

New Beginnings
Written by Unknown #trueself

What If This Feeling of Depression Comes Back?

In the event that this feeling comes back, we will know how to handle it due to the experience. We are all trying our best to to deal with everyday pressures and expectations from society. Always learning.

Here is a quote to encourage you when that feeling is overwhelming to you:

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”-August Wilson

Without challenges in our lives, can we grow? We are so powerful and don’t you forget that. Truth lies in our bravery. We are all in this together!!!!

Here I am!!!
Here I Am!!! #Authenticity

What’s Really Going On?: Time of Healing

Are you feeling angry and lost this past week?

I am so lost for words.  What has happened in the USA has made me reflect “what do we do from here?” Living in Canada, there is still much work to do. To be honest, it has been so exhausting, numb, sad mixed in one.  Reflecting on this, I felt a lot of strong energies of anger and rage among suppressed emotions towards others.

I am an empath. My emotions for others are stronger than you can know. The world is crying out but we must comfort this pain. Holding onto conditioned teachings from the past that we should be evaluating now. This is a trans-formative period. We must raise. Tired of the injustice and wrongful accusations. How is this peaceful to all?

Malcolm X -He was a human rights activist who was a popular figure in the 1960s

Changes In The Making

Ask yourself when you watch the news: “What are they telling me?”  “Are they talking about solutions or just negative images to look at?

There are a lot of inaccurate information going on in the media. Peaceful protest are occurring around the world but it has to be captured via social media (Facebook, Instagram etc), not on mainstream TV. Once you have critically analyzed what we are watching on TV, it is coming to light that illusions are being projected. A mandate is pointing to control and fear-based thought processes. Be aware of how you are feeling. These are built-in emotions and they are needed to be released.

The words that describe what is happening (as a collective) are stress, anxiety, illness, fatigue, lost and restlessness.  

Time and time again, people resort to violence and arguing (this is not a solution to the problem). The change is now. Recreating the narrative. Love and peace is the answer.


Understanding is Key

Black people are crying out from traumatic and oppressed thoughts patterns and has been inflicting them on people who may show them love or lessons.

  1. Pay attention to your energyOld wounds are coming into the surface. People impulsiveness are expressed with rage and love (all in one). In addition, having their guard up in the process. Therefore, become present and feel it. Realness is the open gate to authenticity.
  2. Keeping your health in check-Since we have been isolating ourselves and adjusting to the changes. Put your emotions into purposeful action such as writing, speaking, building, pottery, painting, singing etc. Keeping in-tuned with your health will allow you to take actions towards better mental health.
  3. Educate yourself-Read and study one another. Indicating the process of what is going on around you and the world. These are things that will rewrite history. It is time to put old paradigms to rest.
Me at a workshop discussing creating process in a world of change

For a Brighter Tomorrow

We must stay present and understanding what is evolving in front of our eyes. This is the opportunity to rewrite the scripture and for all to flourish collectively.

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to starless midnight of racism the war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality…. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.- Martin Luther King

I want to see for me is better days ahead. The long awaited healing that has to be endured to wake up the masses.

Let us heal phenomenally!!!!


Loving Your Gut: The Gut-Brain Connection

Do you feel like your mind is playing tricks on you?


There is one thing to know is your gut gives you signals.  This should not be ignored.   A special relationship comes from the brain and gut.  Chemicals and neurotransmitters are produced in your gut that can affect your brain.  Think about the environment we are in and foods we eat.  They are being translated within our bodies.  So, what are we going to do about this?

Gut-Brain Connection #love


Here I am talking about neurotransmitters like an everyday vocabulary.  Well, to explain, they are chemicals that are produced throughout the body.  Therefore, it affects your feeling and emotion.  It is a part of the Endocrine system.  For example, Dopamine (a neurotransmitter) is known to be a happy chemical in the body.  This gives you a feeling of joy and happiness. If there is high level of dopamine in the system, this may lead to addictions (ex: eating, drugs etc).  In addition, other neurotransmitters can align with dopamine and create another feeling or emotion.  This is where we encounter so many different feelings.  Think of neurotransmitters as tiny ball of emotions and once we connect our brain to a thought or feeling then the ball will be released to a particular area in the body. Is that cool or what?



Your gut is a delicate thing.  It knows what it wants.  Good and bad bacteria are integrated within your intestines and it can react a certain way.  Here are 3 ways you can tell if you have an unhealthy gut.

  1. Upset stomach-Have you had that feeling of consistently being bloating, experiencing constipation, diarrhea and heartburn. These can all be signs of an unhealthy gut. Digesting foods and eliminating waste can become difficult for you. So, pay attention everyone.
  2. High Sugar Intake– Think of processed foods with added sugars (ex: frozen dinners, condiments etc); this can cause good bacteria having a hard time digesting in the intestines.
  3. Inability to lose weight– If you are not making changes in your diet. This can cause anything like exercise to be inefficient.   An imbalanced gut can result in the inability to absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar and store fat.  Water is our friend. Therefore, consult a dietitian for a further assessment.
Uh oh#getittogether


We have come to taking care of your gut.  Well, I can tell you with my experience and research about this, it has been beneficial and continues to work.

  1. Intermittent Fasting-I would advise you talk to a holistic nutritionist about this.  Everyone is different, so it would be good to do your research first.  In my experience, energy and reducing my sugar intake was amazing. It had great results for me.
  2. Supplements-I continue to use supplements throughout my day. As hard as we try to eat the right things, our body always needs support.  Here are some things that have worked for me. Nutrilite™ Double X™ Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient Supplement – 31-Day Supply with 3-Compartment Case  and Nutrilite™ Balance Within™ Probiotic. I have been feeling alert and less bloated with these products.
  3. Kombucha -I love these drinks.  It comes in so many different flavours. Usually, my favourite is Grapefruit and Lemon Kombucha from Village Juicery . It is your preference which flavour you like.  It has been fermented (which is natural bacteria). Helps to heal the gut and absorb foods better. You can’t go wrong with that.
Yummy in my tummy #guthealth


Listen to your body.  It knows. In the past, I did not think about my gut having an affect on my overall health. It was never really taught to me. With research and my nursing background, it is important to take an active approach.

“If there’s one thing to know about the human body; it’s this: the human body has a ringmaster.   This ringmaster controls your digestion, your immunity, your brain, your weight, your health and even your happiness.  This ringmaster is the gut-Nancy Mure

Allow yourself to live a healthy life.  You deserve it. Long-term benefits is the key. Happy gut, Happy mind, happy life!!!!!

#Happygut #happymind #happylife

5 ways to Recharge Yourself and Bring out the best you

Have you been feeling stagnant and low of energy these days?

Walking Your Path

I find it fascinating that we connect with so many people with different views and perception of life.  It amazes me the wealth of knowledge we can learn from others are infinite.  I love to understand the meaning of life.  What is our life purpose?  Why are we triggered by others? One thing I know is that we are unique in our own way.   Recharging yourself can help your discovery to bring out the best you.

On the path of discovery

We all have been experiencing social distancing for the past two months now. When I have talk to people, the main thing that comes up is connecting with people again. My opinion is take this to make time to connect with yourself. There is so much opportunity to explore, enhance skill sets or learn new things. Some of us are working from home, laid off or jobless. This is the moment when you have to face you with what you really want.

5 Tips to Recharge Yourself

  1. Social Media Detox

I know you may be thinking to yourself “how?”  We tend to be around social media wherever we go.  Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Twitter, Whats’ app, you name it.  I found it intriguing how much social media can consume our day.  I am not expecting you to stop cold turkey but gain control on how much content you will watch or engage for yourself each day.

Consider preparing a schedule on how you want your day or week to be.  Be specific with a time you will do the activity.  It will keep you in the flow and focus. Think of it as adding something for you to gain insight and knowledge instead of idle time.  Here is an example that may help, 9:00am-9:30am Yoga, 9:30am-10:00am Reading book (finish one chapter) etc.  You should add some break (at least 15 minutes) throughout the day.  This can be a time you can implement social media (if you like) and it does not control you.  The main point of this is stay connected with your actions and you will see results.

Me at the Ripley’s Aquarium#beingsilly

2. Read a Book

During the pandemic, I have been reading some great books.  It has been enlightening for me.  Reading helps the mind to be active.  When you brain is active, it will open up a new door for information.  There are some books I recommend, Choose Your Perspective By John Martin and The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy.  Love their message and how it relates to life. In addition, reading does tap into creative abilities, improves your memory, expands vocabulary, stronger analytical thinking skills and increases focus and concentration. Reading can be a great investment to yourself in the long term. Trust me.

A book that gives insight to Unconditional Love#love

3. Creative Hobbies

Creative outlets can help unlock untapped gifts within you.  For me, trying out energy work was different but felt right. I am now a Reiki Practitioner who helps people with managing their moods and day to day tasks. Sometimes we think “I would like to do that” or “I want to do that” and we don’t do it.  Why is that?

In my opinion, I think we should explore our talents and flow with it. It makes us feel alive and motivated to search for more. There is so many choices to choose from like playing an instrument, a sport, writing, singing, learning a new skill etc. This is a great way to not think so hard about your everyday essentials such as paying bills, what is going to happen in the future etc. It makes us be present in the moment and will build us up for more opportunities.

Practicing Reiki (I am on the right#focus)

4. Meditation

I always heard about meditation and what it can do.  Was skeptical about it at first.   My picture of meditation was sitting down crossed legged, closing your eyes and pressing onto your finger. I am was not good being in complete silence. What has worked for me is guided meditation. This is when someone is talking to you during the session. A recommend video that is really good would be 10 Minute Chakra Balance Guided Meditation. It is not long and very relaxing after you are done. What meditation brings is relaxing the mind and makes you stay in the present.

Meditation is life #embracelife

5. Walking in Nature

I know we are limited with going to the parks and walking around now. Once we are able to go, it is a highly recommended activity to do. Nature has trees, water, fresh air and open space. It connects us with the natural world. There is an energy exchange that happens when you are by the trees, grass, water etc. Trees releases oxygen and when they use energy from sunlight. Some may have heard that hugging a tree can help relax you. This is because trees can absorb negative energy. A great blog to read would be The Benefits of Tree Hugging: Connecting with the Healing Vibrations of Nature by Ester Eckhaus. It gives you a lot of information on health benefits. There is something about being near the water that give a soothing feeling. Nature is our friend and we should take pleasure in that.

This is artwork displayed from Yorkdale Mall #beautiful

Lasting Results

These are a few tips that continue to help me. It is important to stay connected with your feelings and embrace new opportunities.

Here is a quote that sums up this article:

“It is so important to take time for yourself and find clarity. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself- Diane Von Furstenber

It is in your hands. Choose wisely.

Life is a journey, not a competition

How would you evaluate your life thus far?

Some of you may feel as if you have not accomplished what you wanted.  That is ok.  As I sit here, reflecting on my age (37), I realized that my life has been redefined. 

What is life?

As a child, I was always into learning new skills in certain subject like science, math, sports (basketball, volleyball, Soccer and Track and Field).  In addition, I won a part in a play called Anne of Green Gables.  It felt easy to just go with the flow and do what I wanted.  When I think back, I was very hard on myself to perform for my family to be proud of me. 

Remembering my mother telling me “It’s really good” if I received a good grade or excel at a sport and winning MVP (Most Valuable Player). When life turned challenging, I always had my sports to run to. Also, I won many awards even MVP and Athlete of the Year in both elementary and high school. At that time, I was on top of the world. All the external accolades I was getting, made it feel like this was the right way to be fulfilled in life. Until I was in college, this changed for me.

Going on a road trip with my basketball team!! #beinggoofy
Accomplishments at the end of my college career!!
Receiving my leading scorer in the Ontario College Athletic Association (OCAA) league

Growing Pains

One of my biggest accomplishment was winning MVP on a Varsity Basketball team in College.  In addition, captain of the team, leading scorer in the league and received the Athletic and Academic Achievement award.  You would think I was on top of the world. Well…I did not.  My feeling was like an imposter.  Crying a lot and did not look at my awards for about 3 years! I put them in a cabinet so I would not see it.   Writing in my journal, which was very therapeutic for me.  I was on my way to discovery.  Everyone on the planet is here for reason.  It was for me to look inside to find real fulfillment.  I realized that I was looking outside of myself for answers.  This was my journey.


Reflecting Back on my Childhood

My father was not much of a communicator.  Most of the time, I can remember him just yelling instead of talking to me.  I would just go into my shell.  My mind did not understand and I would ask “why?”  He would say things such as “Don’t talk” or “You are so rude.”  My mother would just look on and did not do anything.  There was no emotional support like a hug or a word of affirmation.  Crying without understanding what was happening in the moment.  I had to take care of myself.

The weight was on my shoulders. Pressure to perform for other people was becoming so exhausting.  If I did not do well; there would be this loud tone of voice of disappointment.  I remembered crying, confused, frustrated as if it was my fault.  Now, stressing to “performing well” was conditioned in my mind.  I am the type of person who loves challenges and will fight through any obstacles that would come my way.  Thinking back from elementary school and high school, when I hung out with my friends, there was a part of me feeling misunderstood.


Peeling the layers

Coming to terms with the uneasy feelings you have can be challenging. A question that would repeatedly come up for me is “Why do I have to explain myself all the time”?

It was a struggle for me.  As the years went by, I was growing more distant with pattern and rules that my family embodied.  I was feeling lost in my family.  The pain felt so real, sometimes physically painful. Teachers were guiding lights for me.  In fact, I absorbed information from them but did not speak up.  I had to find my voice. It was a bit uncomfortable at first to speak but eventually, I made it through.

Once this came into fruition, I allowed myself to “just be.” I had nothing to prove to others, only to myself. My gut instinct has a funny way to communicate but I was not going to go against it.



This quote resonated with me,

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”-Mahatma Gandhi

One the most important lessons is to keep going and do not give up.  I realize I changed my perception on what life was.  Instead at looking outside of myself, I came within.  This is really when I knew life was abundance, joyful and full the hope.  As a student of life, I will always know that life is a journey, not a competition.


Gone with the wind

What is your true desire?

Transition comes with the feeling of pain.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to think it is a terrible thing but it is what it is. No one knows what is going to happen but all we know is that we have to keep working to find it. Pain can be such an uneasy, scary feeling that can cause us to avoid it instead of embrace it.  It is an important feeling to have.  Think about it.  If you did not have that feeling of pain, would you know if something is not right for you?  

As a child, I remembered my body temperature changing from hot to cold and having a deep “knowing” about the environment around me.  Somewhat a daydreamer and always felt different among other people.  There is one thing I do and that is to be optimistic about things in my life. 

Believe me, I was not the one to get everything I wanted in my life.  Emotional support was not afford with my parents and that bothered me so much as a child.  I feel like I had to mother myself.  I do not want to say I do not appreciate my parents.  There is a great relationship with them. When it came to expressing my emotions, it was not tolerated.  They would walk away or tell me go to my room.  The feeling was not right but I just held my emotions inwards and did not speak about it. 

Throughout my teenage to young adulthood, I was trying to discover myself but really exploring whatever was out there for me.  Had to go with the flow only trusting myself.  I did not do things on a day-to-day basis like others and grew more distant about why I was here for the past 3 years.  I did a lot of deep spiritual work within myself.  The pain was real.  I could not ignore it.  Crying and dealing with things I use to avoid in my life. I had to surrender and succumb to these problems.  I must take it one step at a time. 

About July 2019, I was beginning to feel a transformation in myself.  Breaking away from friends that did not serve me anymore.  I had to let them go therefore, I could not remain the same.  So, this is how transformation looks like.  Healing comes with transformation but it comes in layers.  We are always transforming to become the best version of ourselves and that is the beauty of it.  My true desire has always been to help inspire and empower others to become their true self.  I am not sure how that will look like but it is and will continue to happen.  I will trust during this journey and work.

Ways to cope with feelings

I would love to share a quote that sums up about feelings and true desires:

“I suppose it’s not a social norm, and not a manly thing to do- to feel, discuss feelings.  So, that’s what I’m giving the finger to.  Social norms and stuff…what good are social norms, really?  I think all they do is project a limited and harmful image of people.  It thus impedes a broader social acceptance of what someone, or a group of people, might actually be like.”-Jess C Scott

Don’t be afraid to explore and figure out your true desire.  Here are some questions to think about and write them down

  1. What is important to me?
  2. What am I worried about?  If I wasn’t worried, I would ____________
  3. What new activities am I interested to participating in?
  4. What am I passionate about?
  5. What do I like to do for fun?

Once you answer these questions, this may guide you to exploring opportunities that you may have not thought of. We all have something we truly desire to do, why not start and try it out, it may lead to abundance, joy and happiness. Lastly, continue to go with flow as if you are gone with the wind.

Feeling of the Unknown

Are you feelings like you are changing towards doing new things?

One of the most difficult things to go through is when you are changing your old routines with new feelings.  We tend to have daily habits that make up who we think we are but our feelings are real and we cannot ignore it.  This is what I have been going through for a while now.  In particular, it has been about my career the most. 

I am a Registered Practical Nurse that works in the hospital.  Being a nurse is rewarding with helping people become better especially in a time like we are experiencing now with COVID-19.  There has been stronger feeling about doing more for humanity then my title as a nurse.  I don’t want to seem ungrateful but I believe I have a bigger purpose to accomplish in this lifetime.  I have been feeling distant and daydreaming about a life that I want to live.  Although the life I dream of is not in a physical reality right now, my belief and faith has never been stronger.

I carry a notebook with me everywhere I go and any thoughts that come to head, I write it down.  Last week, I reflected on some of the ideas I wrote 2 years ago.  I was shocked to see that some of my ideas came into my reality.  Your words and heart are so powerful. 

3 Main Tips for Expressing Your Feelings

We may not know how or where it will happen but one thing, I know is our feelings never lies.  Therefore, if you are feeling this way, consider the following:

1. Tell yourself repeatedly (about 10 times) “I love myself, I am enough” when you are feeling indifferent or negative about something.

2. Honour yourself and explore the feeling you have.  For example: you want to paint, try an activity, you have never tried before.  Go for it.  It will give you self-satisfaction.  At least you tried it.

3. It is about the experience and being in the present in the moment.

I wanted to cite a quote from Beyoncé’ song “Bigger” for her latest album “The Gift, she sang:

“Life is your birth right; they hid that in the fine print.  Take a pen and re-write it.”  “We are something way bigger.  We part of something much bigger.”

We are all going through a period of changes and intense feelings right now.  Let us re-write the script we have been playing and create anew.

Ode to Self

Have you ever forgiven yourself for past experiences?

If you are still working on yourself or finding yourself, I would like to share with you what I wrote about a year ago.  I was at a crossroads with what I wanted to accomplish during this lifetime.  All I knew was that I wanted to help and inspire others to become their best self.  Here it goes:

Dear Future Self,

I find myself searching for answers within myself.  I go away to a positive state then to a negative state.  My ego is playing tricks on me but I must overcome.  My soul is guiding me to my true path.  I know my life is aligned to something great but I have to understand the patience to plant and grow my garden takes work.  I am grateful to where I am at this point in my life.  I have learned many lessons and still learning.  I feel this accomplishment within myself that all things are connecting for me and will sprout when it is ready.  It is like seasons.  When bears hibernate in the winter, I must understand that my seed is doing work to grow a beautiful tree that will have strong branches interconnecting from one another.  I must forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made in my life.  I know I still have work to do but one thing I know about myself is to never give up.  I have too much to offer in this lifetime and I must harness the knowledge and know that I am guided beyond comprehension.   I know I am on the right path but I need to rest and be proud of what is yet to come.  I am powerful and it cannot be quantified.  When you know your power and truth, you have so much unconditional love.  I must overcome to unconditional love and compassion towards others.  Everyone that is here is on their own journey to find their true self and contribute to the world in some way.  I will never give up; I am a warrior of love and warrior of life.

“Therefore, let you heart lead the way”

I wish you all the best on this journey. In other words, let us love, learn and grow among one another.  I would like to end with this quote:

“Difficult and meaningful will always bring more satisfaction than easy and meaningless”-Maxime Lagace

Surrendering to the Cause

How are you feeling about this COVID-19?

It has been an interesting beginning to year 2020.  We got people going to the grocery stores in long line-ups buying toilet paper, packing up food such as canned goods, bread, flour etc.  Schools and programs are postponed indefinitely.  What is next?  I want people to look into this time as a reflection to self.  As I go through my day-to-day tasks, I see and feel fear on others.  I have had conversations with many co-workers and people that I know, who are expressing their concerns with going out or wanting to hibernate in their homes.   While I am listening to them, I had to remember that social media and news has played a part into this feeling as well.  We are looking up on Google, talking to people (which cannot be ignored) which is amplifying this feeling.  I am empathic to the people around me but instead of going out and following others, this is a great opportunity to re-evaluate priorities in our lives.  I understand the people who need to work to pay the bills and people who have children whom are unable to send them to day care or external programs such as sports, arts etc.  Now that this has happened, it has caused us to look at ourselves and pay attention to what is around us and within ourselves.  I have been in the health care field for over 10 years.  So, I have been hearing about COVID-19 every single day.  It has been a theme word to the masses.  I work with vulnerable people and understand the risks that can be involved.   In my view, I have this sense of calmness, which may seem strange to others but with darkness comes light.  I believe we are in a great period in our lives but currently, it does not look like it on an external view.  This is the time for truth, self-care and self-love.  I have been thinking about the sunny weather, going to the lake, grounding myself on the grass.  In addition, I am going to a salt lamp cave to detox and reading books.  I am not saying to ignore COVID-19 but remind yourself where you are in this present moment and what is It that you want to achieve.  Use your judgment and continue washing your hands with soap and water.  Cultivate it as a practice, not an after-thought.  Reconnect with yourself and loved ones to gain a deeper perspective on this life.  Growth and evolvement is the key to success.

I would like to leave you with this quote:

“Every tomorrow has two handles.  We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.”- Henry Ward Beecher

Choices and making decisions are examples of perspective versus perception.  You choose.

Is this about our fears or our potential to change and be great beyond measures?